Dana & LeeTal – roomates who served in the same IDF unit.  
Dana has been part of the LSC family for years – she volunteered at the Lone Soldier Center during her Junior year abroad, years before joing the IDF. Following her graduation from Binghampton University in Creative Writing, Dana made Aliyah and drafted to the IDF’s combat Search and Rescue Unit.

Dana excelled in her service and was awarded the General’s Citation of Excellence. Dana’s first assignment was teaching search and rescue to civilian first responders across Israel. She was then promoted to an Officer’s role running courses for the HomeFront Command for between 50-80 soldiers per course. Dana finished her IDF service last week!

Interesting Facts: Dana began writing a novel during her army service and hopes to be a tenured Professor one day at Hebrew University.

LeeTal, is from Chicago IL and served as a lone soldier in Search and Rescue at Bahd 16. She worked with soldiers going through training and the Israeli fire and police departments. LeeTal was the lead instructor for Officer’s Training and Commanders School cadets.

Interesting Facts: LeeTal is a dancer from a young age, who performed and competed in shows accross the United States. She is a life-long Young Judean and her favorite cuisine is Chicago Stuffed Pizza, “a good one should be thick and about 6 inches tall”!