The summer has only begun and the Lone Soldier Center has already had a kickoff of many special programs. The first of which is Maslul Michael, which is a preparitory program before entering the army. What makes the program extra special, is the fact that it is lead by former lone soldiers who are commanders and commanders in the IDF. This can demonstrate to these new soldiers how you can off from the bottom and really work your way up the ladder.
In addition to the new soldiers in the army, the Lone Soldier Center just celebrated some of our very own finishing their Paratrooper, Golani and Nahal training. Mazal Tov!
One’s army service of great importance, but so is what one does after their service. For this reason the Lone Soldier Center has set a high- tech training program, in order to help soldiers easily find work after their service and honor Israel with their presence! The program is located in Tel Aviv.
In the area of support for the lone soldiers, we have just put a spectacular gala dinner in Toronto behind us, with a former lone soldier, Mike Domb, co-chairing it. There were over 500 atendees including Colonel Richard Kemp, a man of bravery having served in who acted as the keynote speaker.
Another exciting event in support of our heroic lone soldiers, was the educational trip for the new bnot sherut. The trip was in the Gush Eztion area and was designed to educate and inspire, these girls for their service of supporting lone soldiers at our center.