A story to tell one’s grandchildren

Phil Levine has just celebrated his 90th birthday. For most people living to this day is a cause for celebration in it of itself, for Phil it carried even more than that. There he was celebrating [...]


Guardian of the Valley

David Livingston, a lone soldier from New York, made the ultimate sacrifice for the State of Israel in the War of Independence. He didn’t live a long life. He died shortly before turning thirty [...]


World Machal

While military service for Israeli Citizens is mandatory the Israeli Defense Forces are made up of troops from all over the world. Some of these volunteers for the army choose to make Aaliyah to [...]


Educating and Preparing IDF Draftees

Over the past month, 3 cohorts of Mahal volunteers, as well as immigrant lone soldiers drafting through Garin Tzabar, took part in hikes through Wadi Kelt, in the Jerusalem foothills. The Center [...]