Tax Deductible Information

Tax-deductible Status in the USA

Credit card based donations carry USA tax deductible status through the US 501c3 based non profit American Support for Israel, Inc. it is more commonly known as America Gives.
Checks and wire transfer donations are handled by Friends of the Lone Soldiers, a USA 501c3 based non profit.

Tax-deductible Status in Israel

Donations to the Lone Soldier Center in Memory of Michael Levin are tax-deductible in Israel.
Our official documents can be viewed here: Nihul Takin, Seif 46 Alef

Tax-deductible Status in the UK

The Lone Soldier Center in Memory of Michael Levin has tax-deductible status through Jewish Child’s Day. Jewish Child’s Day is a registered charity in the UK.

Tax-deductible Status in Canada

The Lone Soldier Center in Memory of Michael Levin has tax-deductible status through Canada Charity Partners, a registered charity in Canada.