Support begins from the moment the first draft notice is received
Israeli Soldiers Enlisting
- Assistance with lone soldier recognition.
- Guidance and support from receiving the initial draft notice to enlistment day.
Guidance and support in the process of canceling conscription exemptions for veterans of ultra-Orthodox communities
or at-risk youth. - Guidance for pre-military preparations.
- Recruitment Equipment: Supplying recruits with essential items, including a recruitment bag, clothing, toiletries, personal care products, and more.
- Support on Recruitment Day.
- Bridging cultural gaps.
- Leisure and Enrichment Activities: Including trips and recruitment preparation meetings.
- Introduction to the Tztevet Mikey: Providing physical and mental preparation for recruitment, tailored for immigrants and Israelis.

Immigrant Soldiers Enlisting
- Assistance with lone soldier recognition.
- Comprehensive support throughout the pre-recruitment process.
- Guidance from other immigrant soldiers.
- Bridging cultural gaps.
- Recreational and Enrichment Activities: Including trips, collaboration with the preparatory school, and recruitment preparation sessions.
- Recruitment Equipment: Supplying recruits with essential items, including a recruitment bag, clothing, toiletries, personal care products, and more.
- Introduction to the Tzevet Mikey: Providing physical and mental preparation for recruitment, tailored for immigrants and Israelis.
Guidance and support throughout the recruitment and candidate evaluation process for security service
From the start of the recruitment process to its conclusion, the individual is referred to as a candidate for security service. The Center provides support to young individuals seeking recognition as lone soldiers, guiding them from the decision to enlist through the entire process, up to and including their enlistment, and beyond.

Enlisting Immigrant Soldiers
An enlisting soldier who immigrates to Israel on their own and whose parents reside permanently abroad will be recognized as a lone soldier.
Similarly, a young person whose parents have emigrated abroad or are on an overseas mission for six months or longer will also be recognized as a lone soldier.
After immigrating to Israel and receiving an identity card, you are automatically granted an adjustment year—a year during which the army postpones their recruitment to allow you time to adapt to life in Israel. However, those who wish to forgo the adjustment year and expedite the recruitment process can coordinate directly with Mitav, the IDF Recruitment Administration unit.
Enlisting Volunteer Soldiers from Abroad
Machal is an organized program that allows individuals to enlist in the IDF without requiring an Israeli identity card, for a service period of 18 months. This program is designed for young people worldwide who are eligible to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return, up to the age of 23.
The Machal recruitment process must be initiated through the official Machal website and is typically shorter than the standard immigration process. It includes a personal interview, an initial draft notice, and a brief preparation period in Israel prior to enlistment.
Israeli Soldiers Enlisting Without Family Support in Israel
Young individuals, native to Israel, who come from challenging life circumstances, who lack contact with their parents, or have graduated from ultra-Orthodox education and do not have a supportive family network are supported through the Center. We have professional and seasoned counselors to help them with the challenges they face as they draft into the IDF.
How does the Center support enlisting soldiers?
Lone Soldier Recognition
Referral to Pre-Military Training
Exemption Cancellation
Preparation for the First Draft Notice
the process.
Recruitment Equipment
If challenges arise during the enlistment process,
the coordinators are available to assist. We maintains direct contact with the Heads of Departments at the recruitment bureaus.

Frequently Asked Questions
How can I register for the association's program?
You can schedule an introductory meeting with a coordinator and register for the program, no matter where you live—whether in the north, south, or any other region of the country. Click here to sign up
When do I start receiving lone soldier benefits?
During the pre-enlistment stage, young individuals are not entitled to lone soldier benefits. These rights are granted starting from the day of enlistment, provided they have been officially recognized as lone soldiers by the army.
What housing options are available before enlistment?
Before enlistment, there are no formal housing solutions provided by the military. However, you can apply for accommodation at a soldier’s home that we run approximately three months prior to enlistment, and each request will be reviewed individually.
I am a new immigrant—how long will my service be?
You can find all the details about service length for new immigrants on the IDF recruiters’ website.
Does the Center assist with
the immigration process?
the immigration process?
Please note that the Center does not assist
with the immigration process itself. You can register with the Center once you have received an identity number, after which we can provide support through the remaining steps leading up to army enlistment, during your service, and after your discharge.
Can you help me enlist if I don’t have
Israeli citizenship?
Israeli citizenship?
Yes, we assist young individuals eligible under the
Law of Return to enlist in the IDF. Those without an identity number can enlist until the age of 23 through the military, and those with an identity number can enlist up to the age of 29, subject to the army’s approval.