Lone Soldier Center

Post-Army Program

A program facilitating the transition from being a lone soldier to civilian life.

Lone Soldier Center

Post Army Program

Our new project to help lone soldiers stay in Israel after finishing their service.

Post-Army Program

The Lone Soldier Center’s new Post Army Program is here to help those recently released soldiers find their way in the competitive job world in Israel. Our goal is to help ease their way into the working force so they can stay and better Israel after their service as well.

 The program will provide one-on-one guidance,  a university scholarship fund and a network of CEOs who can connect released soldiers with high-level internships and job placements. Mike Domb, former lone soldier, tank commander and co-founder of the program says, “the program helps released soldiers by enabling them to stay in Israel while simultaneously helping Israel reap the economic benefits of retaining thousands of motivated, capable, young men and women who are dedicated to serving the country and helping it flourish.”